(Price 01-06-2016: € 60 / set of 16 plates)
Ulf-Joachim Friese
Maria Theresias Soldiers 1740 – 1763
Full-colour plates depicting their uniforms and equipment
after contemporaneous sources
We have enlarged the series up to 128 full-colour plates already published and titled
“The Uniforms of the Austrian-Hungarian Army 1740 – 1763
based on the contemporaneous sources”.
For the first time you can order the series with annotations in English language!
The next 16 plates are expected to be published in April/May 2016.
Single plates are available.
Please look for the actual list of the plates already published at the end of this site!
The general picture of the soldiers of the “Empress-Queen”
is affected by only three sources of 1761/1762!
But how did they appear from 1740 to 1760/1761?
Are there no other reliable sources?
This collection gives the answers by bringing together the achievable c o n t e m p o r a n e o u s
sources (pictures and text) from the c o m p l e t e e p o c h including portraits of officers, aides-de-camp, standard bearers/ensigns/colour-sergeants, drummers, musicians, regimental quarter-masters, chaplains, judges, surgeons, craftsmen, waggon-train and depictions of the many various individualities of the Austrian, Hungarian and “Grenzer” soldiers.
Each full-color-plate is accompanied by commentaries to the depictions.
16 full-colour-plates with commentaries are available at € 48 (subscription until 30-09-2014)
Traced or reproduced and annotated according to established, but notably to c o l o u r e d
predominantly u n p u b l i s h e d contemporaneous sources:
● Manuscripts „Militairetat“ (de l’Acre/Delacre) 1756/1757, Becher 1757-1760,
Johann Gottfried Schultz 1757-1760,
● „Raspe 1762“ (I.H.C. v. Schmalen) and „Bautzen 1762 (F.T.B.)“,
● 56 folios of the „Uniformes des trouppes Autrichienn en 1762“ („Albertina“)
a n d the copies of three of the lost original folios in this work, kept in Prague,
● the coloured etchings of the „Milice Etrangère“ (Martin Engelbrecht 1744 – 1749),
● portraits of officers and staff (as well from regimental galleries as single ones),
● holdings of realities kept in Forchtenstein castle, contemporaneous „murals“ with
depictions of combats as for example the victories of field-marshal Laudon in the moated
castle Hainfeld („Laudon-hall“) or the tempera “wall-papers” showing the parade of
Draškovićs troops about 1750
● paintings (David Morier 1748 and the depictions of victorious Austrian / Hungarian
battles by Martin van Meytens, Johann Christian Brand, Franz Paul Findenigg,
August Querfurt),
● barely known manuscripts of several army branches,
● the so-called „Etat“ used by Wrede in his famous work of 5 vols.
● sourcesin the Austrian military archives and the “Heeresgeschichtliches Museum” at
Vienna as well as
● according to Teuber-Ottenfeld, reliable publications and regimental histories.
On one hand this series bases on the long lasting guidance, encouragement by and collaboration with the deceased Hans Bleckwenn, the preparation of the publication of schemes with him and Fritz-Günther Melzner depicting and comparing the “Delacre” and “Albertina” manuscripts and on the collection of Hans Bleckwenn in his estate in the ”Wehrgeschichtliches Museum” (WGM) at Rastatt / Germany.
On the other hand on the editor’s archives and his own investigations about officers’ and staff’s portraits, manuscripts, contemporaneous paintings and finally on the regimental histories, the written sources and annotations concerning these sources.
The consecutive numbering of the regiments follows the numeration used by Bleckwenn.
Until May 31, 2016 still available at the special pre-publication price:
Ulf-Joachim Friese
Maria Theresias Soldiers 1740 – 1763
(after contemporaneous sources)
ISBN 3-88706-775-4
( ) 16 full-colour plates Nos. 1, 3 – 17 € 48,00
( ) 16 full-colour plates Nos. 18 – 24, 26 – 28, 30, 32 – 36 € 48,00
( ) 16 full-colour plates Nos. 29, 37 – 39, 41 – 52 € 48,00
( ) 16 full-colour plates Nos. 40, 53 – 59, 62 – 66, 69, 71, 73 € 48,00
( ) 16 full-colour plates Nos. 60, 61, 67, 70, 72, 76, 78, 79, 81 – 85, 87, 88, 98, 98a € 48,00
( ) 16 full-colour plates Nos. 68, 80, 86, 89, 90, 99 – 109 € 48,00
( ) 30 full-colour plates Nos. 25, 31, 74, 75, 77, 110 – 131, 134-136 € 90,00
plus free of charge Nos. 40a, 132, 133 (published in December 2015)
( ) 16 full-colour plates Nos. 91-97,138-146 € 48,00
( ) the following instalments of 16 plates each at the special pre-publication price: each € 48,00
(Price for 16 full-colour plates as from June 1, 2016: € 60,00)
All prices plus p + p (U.S.A.. / Canada: 6 weeks by surface mail,, 2 weeks by air mail)
Payment method ( € ):
( ) Advance invoice ( ) PayPal ( ) VISA ( ) MASTERCARD
Easy ordering:
Just send a copy of this page by fax to: 0049 – 4181 – 29 13 72
or call us: 0049 – 4181 – 6775 or 0049 – 4181 – 29 43 02
or send an e-mail to: LTR-Verlag-Ulf-Joachim-Friese@t-online.de
or post your order to:
LTR-Verlag Ulf-Joachim Friese
Haidbarg 4 d, D-21244 Buchholz i.d.N. / Germany
List of plates
(December 2015 – will be actualized with each instalment)
Plate No
1 Infantry Regiment No 19: Field-Marshal Leopold Count Pálffy, about 1755
2 Infantry Regiment No 19: Field-Marshal Leopold Count Pálffy, about 1755, details (will follow)
3 Infantry Regiment No 10 (“Young Wolfenbüttel”): Officers 1762/1763, Staff-Officer 1763
4 Infantry Regiment No 21 (Arenberg): Fusilier 1757, Fusilier 1762, Officer 1762
5 Infantry Regiment No 10 (“Young Wolfenbüttel”): Drum major, fifer 1763
6 Hussar Regiment H 5 (Paul Anton Esterházy): Ensign/standard-bearer, about 1750
7 Dragoon Regiment D I (Althann): Grenadier 1748
8 Infantry Regiment Nr. 37 (Joseph Count Esterházy de Galantha): Drum major, about. 1750
9 Infantry Regiment No 37 (Joseph Count Esterházy de Galantha): Drum major, about. 1750, details
10 Infantry Regiment No. 37 (Joseph Count Esterházy de Galantha): Drum major, 1750, details
11 Infantry Regiment No 9 (Los Rios de Gutierez): Grenadier 1748, Fusiliers 1757, 1762
12 Infantry Regiment No 50 (Wurmbach-Stuppach/Harsch): Grenadier 1748, Fusiliers 1757, 1762
13 Infantry Regiment No 50 (Harsch): Officer 1762
14 Infantry Regiment No 50 (Harsch): Officer 1762, details
15 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Leopold Count Pálffy): „Staff Officier“, „NCO“, „Private“, 1754
16 Infantry Regiment No 37: Grenadier’s Officer about 1750
17 Dragoon Regiment D I (Archduke Joseph): Dragoons 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
18 Dragoon Regiment D I (Archduke Joseph): Archduke Joseph, about 1748
19 Dragoon Regiment D I (Archduke Joseph): Officers, Dragoons, Ensign, Trumpeter (?), about 1748
20 Carlstädter Szluiner Grenz-Regiment (No 63): Drummer, Fifer about 1749
21 Sluiner Grenz-Infantry Regiment (No 63): Grenzer 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
22 Infantry Regiment No 19: Fusiliers 1757, 1762, 1762
23 Infantry Regiment No 37: Ensign, about 1750
24 Infantry Regiment No 37 (Joseph Count Esterházy de Galantha): Hoboeplayer and Drum major, about 1750
26 Infantry Regiment No 10 (Young Wolfenbüttel): Fusiliers 1757, 1762, 1762, 1763
27 Hussar Regiment H 5 (Paul Anton Esterházy): Captain, about 1750
28 Infantry Regiment No 55 (d’Arberg): Grenadier about 1748, Fusiliers 1757, 1762
29 Infantry Regiment No 1 (Kaiser): Fusiliers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
30 Hussar Regiment H 12 (Hadik): Hussars 1757, about 1758/60
32 Infantry Regiment No 30 (Saxony-Gotha): Fusiliers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
33 Cuirassier Regiment K 10 (Birkenfeld / Stampa): Cuirassiers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
34 Dragoon Regiment D III (Batthyány): Dragoon 1757, Grenadier 1762, Officer 1762
35 Carlstädter Szluiner Grenz-Regiment (No 63): NCO about 1749
36 Hussar Regiment H 5 (Paul Anton Esterházy): Hussars 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
37 Cuirassier Regiment K 15 (Brandenburg-Anspach and Bayreuth):
Ensign / standard-bearer about 1757/60, Cuirassiers 1762
38 Dragoon Regiment D XII (Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld): Dragoons 1757/60 and 1762
39 Infantry Regiment No 10 (Young Wolfenbüttel): „Regimental Surgeon“, „Bataillon’s Surgeon“, „Surgeon“ 1763
40 Cuirassier-Regiment K 11 (Bentheim): Cuirassier 1748
41 Infantry Regiment No 37 (Joseph Count Esterházy de Galantha):
Regimental pioniers and Corporal of the Regimental pioniers, about 1750
42 Infantry Regiment No 39 (Preysach): Officers 1762
43 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Leopold Count Pálffy): Officer 1762, Grenadier’s Officer 1760/63
44 Infantry Regiment No 7 (Neipperg): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
45 Cuirassier Regiment K 14 (Bretlach): Cuirassiers 1757, about 1759/60, 1762
46 Oguliner Grenz-Regiment (No 62): Grenzer 1757, probably 1757/59, 1762
47 Hussar Regiment H 5 (Paul Anton Esterházy): Staff Officer about 1750
48 Infantry Regiment No 30 (Saxony-Gotha): Grenadier’s Officer 1753
49 Infantry Regiment No 39 (Preysach): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
50 Infantry Regiment No 13 (Moltke): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
51 Cuirassier Regiment K 15 (Diemar): Cuirassier 1748
52 Dragoon Regiment D I (Archduke Joseph): Dragoon 1762
53 Infantry Regiment No 33 (Nikolaus Esterházy): Fusiliers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
54 Infantry Regiment No 56 (Mercy): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
55 Carlstädter Liccaner Grenz-Infantry Regiment (No 60): Staff Officer
56 Infantry Regiment No 52 (Bethlen): Grenadier 1748
57 Carlstädter Liccaner Grenz-Infantry Rgt. (No 60): Grenzer 1757, 1762, 1762 („old dress“)
58 Infantry Regiment No 33 (Nikolaus Esterházy): Grenadier’s Officer (Függe), about 1750
59 Infantry Regiment No 33 (Nikolaus Esterházy):
Grenadier’s Officer (Függe), plate of the grenadier’s cap (detail), about 1750
60 Infantry Rgt. No 4 (Hoch- und Deutschmeister): Lieut. Carl von Kheyl (von Kheul), 1741
61 Szluiner Grenz-Infantry Regiment (No 63): Grenzer 1754, about 1757, 1762
62 Infantry Regiment No 52 (Bethlen): Fusiliers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
63 Infantry Regiment No 17 (Kolowrat): Fusiliers 1762, Officer 1762
64 Hussar Regiment H 4 (Kálnoky): Trumpeter 1760
65 Hussar Regiment H 11 (Splényi de Miháldy, Gabriel Baron / Esterházy, Emerich Count):
Hussar 1757, Hussar 1762, Officer 1762
66 Cuirassier Regiment K 2 (Erzherzog Ferdinand / Erzherzog Maximilian): Cuirassiers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
67 Hussar Regiment H 3 (Károly): Hussar 1748
68 Infantry Rgt. No 33 (Nikolaus Esterházy): Lieutenant-colonel Carl von Amadei, about 1750
69 Dragoon Regiment D VIII (Saxony-Gotha): Dragoon 1757, Grenadier, Officer 1762
71 Probably Dragoon Regiment D VIII (Saxony-Gotha): Unknown Officer, about 1760
72 Cuirassier Regiment K 10 (Birkenfeld (Pfalz-Birkenfeld, Wilhelm Prince)):
Cuirassiers, Officer, Trumpeter, Staff Officer (in the rank of a general?), about 1759
73 Infantry Regiment No 37 (Joseph Count Esterházy de Galantha):
Officer, Chaplain, probably Regimental Surgeon, Officer, probably surgeons, about 1750
76 Corps of Engineers: Engineers 1757 und 1762
78 Hussar Regiment H 5 (Lusinsky, Gabriel Baron von): Schröckinger, Carl von, 22. 7. 1762
79 Hussar Regiment H I (Carlstädter Grenz-Hussar Regiment): „NCO“(=Trooper), after 1746
80 Infantry Regiment No 2 (Archduke Carl / Archduke Ferdinand):Fusiliers 1757, 1762
81 Szluiner Grenz-Infantry Regiment (No 63): Grenzer 1762
82 Cuirassier Regiment K 12 (Portugal): Cuirassiers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
83 Dragoon Regiment D XIII (Althann (Althann, MichaelCount)): Dragoon 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
84 Infantry Regiment No 32 (Forgách): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
85 Infantry Regiment No 27 (Baden-Durlach, Christoph Prince)): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
86 Infantry Regiment No 15 (Pallavicini): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
87 Hussar Rgt. H 9 (Beleznay (Beleznay, Johann von)) / (Morocz (Morocz, Emerich baron): Hussars 1741 and 1757
88 Carlstädter Oguliner Grenz-Regiment (No 62): „Private“, about 1749
89 Infantry Regiment No 32 (Forgách): NCOs, Fusiliers, about 1750
90 Infantry Regiment No 17 (Kolowrat): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
98 Dragoon Regiment / Chevaulégers Regiment D VI („Young-Löwenstein“):
Dragoon, probably about 1758/59, Dragoon / Chevauléger 1762
99 Carlstädter Ottocaner-Grenz-Inf. Rgt.: Grenadier 1754, Grenzer (Fusiliers) 1756/57, 1762
100 Carlstädter Ottocaner-Grenz-Inf. Rgt.: „Sulak“ (Grenadier), about 1749
101 Infantry Regiment No 3 (Lothringen): Grenadier 1748
102 “German”, not identifies Inf.-Rgt., escalade of Schweidnitz, 1.10.1761, Drummers
103 Infantry Regiment No 29 (Loudon): siege / escalade of Glatz, 26.7.1760: Officer, Drummer, NCO, Fusiliers
104 Not identified Cuirassier Regiment: Ensign Janowiky von Janowitz, about 1757
105 Hussar Rgt. H 3 (Pálffy, Rudolf count): Sec. Lieut. Ioann Klestinsky, before Nov. 1762
106 Probably Dragoon Rgt. D II (Liechtenstein): Franz Xaver baron von Stadl (Stadler), 1762
107 Hungarian Inf. Rgt., raised by the Hungarian classes (Commanding Colonel Haller v. Hallerstein, baron: From 1747: Inf. Rgt. No 31 (Haller v. Hallerstein): Fusilier “1741”
108 Transylvanian National / Inf. Rgt. No 51 (Gyulai): “Hadnagy or Lieutenant”, after 1741
109 Hussar Rgt. H I (Carlstädter Grenz Hussar Rgt.) (without Commander-in-chief): “NCO”, after 1746
Actual instalment December 2015 (30 full colour plates plus 3 free of charge)
25 Cuirassier Regiment K 10 (Birkenfeld): Cuirassier 1748
31 Hussar Regiment H 5 (Paul Anton Esterhazy): Hussar 1748
40 a New attribution of the original canvas: Cuirassier-Rgt. K 10 (Pfalz-Birkenfeld): Cuirassier 1748 – free of charge
74 Infantry Regiment No 8 (Sachsen-Hildburghausen, Joseph prince): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
75 Inf. Rgt. No 37 (Joseph count Esterházy de Galantha): „Feldkurat” (Chaplain), about 1750
77 Infantry Regiment No 11 (Wallis, Franz Wenzel count): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
110 Horse Grenadiers: Officer, Grenadiers (Battle of Kunersdorf, 12.08.1759)
111 Grenzer with looted Prussian Artillery vehicles (at Hochkirch,14.10.1758)
112 Dragoon Rgt. D VI (Löwenstein): Regimental Commasnder,Officer, Chevauleger (Landeshut, 23.06.1760)
113 Hussar Regiment H 3 (Rudolf Pálffy): Colonel, about 1760
114 Hussar Regiment H 3 (Rudolf Pálffy): Cavalry Captain, about 1760
115 Infantry Regiment No 31 (Haller v. Hallerstein): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
116 Infantry Regiment No 32 (Forgách de Ghylmes, Ignaz count): Grenadier, 1748
117 Cuirassier Rgt. K 18 („Old“-Modena: Franz III. d’Este, duke of Modena): Officer, 1762
118 Warasdin St. Georgian Regiment (No 65): Regimenta l Commander, Grenzer, Officier 1762
119 Infantry Regiment. No 38 (de Ligne, Claude Lamoral prince): Fusiliers, Officers 1762
120 Cuirassier Regiment K 4 (Kager von Stampach): Cuirassier 1757, Officers 1757/1762
121 Infantry Regiment No 11 (Wallis): Major v. Noski 1753-1763
122 Infantry Regiment No 11 (Wallis): Major v. Noski 1753-1763 – enlarged details
123 Gradišcaner-Grenz-Infantry Regiment (from 1753 on) (1769: No 67): Officers, Fusiliers 1758, 1762
124 Infantry Regiment No 53 (Simbschen): Fusiliers 1762
125-129 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Pálffy):
Reconstruction / visualisation according to an instruction of Count Pálffy in 1754:
125 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Pálffy): Officers (Parade) and (Sentry and other duties) 1754
126 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Pálffy): Officer (Sentry and other duties-summer),
Wachtmeister-Lieutenant, Feldwebel 1754
127 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Pálffy): Corporal, Fusilier, Fourier (summer) 1754
128 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Pálffy): Drum major, drummer, Corporal, coats of arms for the drums 1754
129 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Pálffy): Hat tassels indicating the affiliation to the battalions and companies 1754
130 Infantry Regiment No 55 d’Arberg): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
131 Officer’s Partizan’s blades, 1745 – 1765
132 Infantry Regiment No 37 (Esterházyde Galantha, Joseph count):Officer, about 1750 – free of charge
133 Warasdin-St. Georg-Grenz-Infantry Regiment (from 1753 on) (1769: No 65): “Baron Rissi-Colonel” – free of charge
134 Infantry Regiment No 19 (Pálffy): Captain Pejacsevich 1745-1748
135 Hussar Regiment H 5 (Paul Anton Esterházy): Ensign/standard-bearer (“Cornet”), about 1750
136 Dragoon Regiment D IX (De Ligne / Daun / Saint-Ignon): Dragoons 1753 and 1757, Chevauleger 1762
Next instalment expected April / May 2016 (subject to alteration)
91 Cuirassier Regiment K 1 (Archduke Leopold / Hohenzollern): Cuirassier 1757, Staff-Officer 1752, Officer 1762
92 Dragoon Regiment D II (Liechtenstein, Joseph Wenzel prince): Dragoon 1757/1762, Officer 1762
93 Infantry Regiment No 16 (Königsegg-Rothenfels, Christian count): Fusiliers, Officer 1762
94 Dragoon Regiment D IV („Savoyen“ (Aspremont-Linden, F. C. count): Dragoon 1762, Officers 1744, 1762
95 Infantry Regiment No 28 (Wied-Runkel, Heinrich Friedrich count): Officers 1741, 1762, Fusilier 1762
96 Hussar Regiment H 7 (Széchényi, Anton count): Hussars 1757, 1762), Officer 1762
97 Hussar Regiment H 6 (Baranyay von Bodorfalva, Johann baron): Hussars 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
138 Infantry Regiment No 4 (Hoch- und Deutschmeister): Fusiliers 1756, 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
139 Dragoon Regiment D XI (Württemberg-Stuttgard, Carl Eugen duke): Dragoons 1759, Officers 1759, 1762
140 Infantry Regiment No 12 (Botta d’Adorno, Anton Otto Marquis): Fusiliers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
141 Infantry Regiment No 33 (Esterházy de Galantha, Nikolaus Joseph prince): Grenadier about 1753
142 Infantry Regiment No 14 (Salm-Salm, Nikolaus Leopold Rheingraf (“count of Rhein” (river): Fusiliers 1757, 1762
143 Cuirassier Regiment K 6 (O’Donell, Carl Claudius): Cuirassiers 1757, 1762, Officer 1762
144 Hussar Regiment H 2 (Nádasdy auf Fogaras, Franz Leopold count): „Auditeur“ (regimental lawyer) about 1761
145 Inf. Regiment No 29 (Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern, Ferdinand prince / (Loudon, Gideon Ernst baron):
Officers 1754, 1763
146 Cuirassier Regiment K 1 (Archduke Leopold / Hohenzollern):
Kettle-Drummer. Trumpeter, Regimental Musicians 1752
To be continued